Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Comic book in the modern era

The two aspects of the modern Graphic novel and Comic book that stand out most to me are the way artists are experimenting with the form in a digital way, and the incomplete nature of many narratives. Very often an artist will create a blog, and on this blog they will have their art, and as a part of that art they will have an original character. While the character, or characters, themselves are very well developed, and often the world they exist in is developed as well, the thing most lacking is actual content for a story. An artist will spend hours developing and writing out a story, but when they try to put into the comic medium the work is much, much heavier than they might have previously anticipated. The artists bites off a little more than they can chew, as it were. The comic book and graphic novel has become such a normalized medium to our generation that the idea of the comic book, and the creation of our own becomes much more simple in our minds. We see so many every day, that the idea becomes if there are so many how hard can it be? The work load turns out to be much more of a commitment than coming up with a cute character and a neat world. The amount of dedication and work that goes into a comic is often much much greater than the artist believes, and their character never gets to their story.
On the other end of this predicament are the artists that not only have created a consistent narrative, but have experimented with new forms and mediums. The incorporation of technology into comics creates the possibility for entirely new ventures. Such as motion comics, which combines animation and the comic book. The best current work is almost always on the margin of comic and another medium. Technology and the internet really has opened up entirely new possibilities to artists and creators. The concept that all you need is to publish a story is a blog and the drive to create is an incredible development in our world. There is a comic out there for every kind of person, especially on the internet.

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